Daniel Oriahi’s psychological thriller “The Weekend” has been officially selected to screen at the 2024 BFI London Film Festival, a prestigious event hosted by the British Film Institute. The film, hailed as a “rare Nigerian psychological thriller,” centres on Nikya, a young woman who persuades her fiancé, Luke, to reconnect with his estranged parents. As unsettling family dynamics unfold, Nikya uncovers disturbing secrets, leading to a tense atmosphere and a mysterious disappearance.
Starring Uzoamaka Aniunoh, Bucci Franklin, Ekpenyong Bassey Inyang, and others, The Weekend will be showcased on October 13th, 16th, and 17th.
Oriahi has expressed his pride in the film’s selection, noting its success in Nollywood and its upcoming placement in the BFI Cult Section alongside top thrillers and horror films. He also honoured fellow Nigerian filmmakers who have been featured in past festivals.